Swazi provides trade, business and commerical customers a discount on all Swazi range garments.
Download an account application form, complete it and return to corporate@swazi.co.nz to get your discounted pricing now.

Your company branded apparel
The quality of your brand is reflected in the quality of your staff - and the clothing they wear when they represent you. There's no doubt, staff who look great, feel great and they act great. Inspire your team by instilling immense pride in the brand they represent. Your brand.

Here's how we will help make your brand stand out from your competition. If that first impression really is important, then make it count by supplying staff with garments that fit well, function superbly, all made using only the finest quality fabric. We'll walk you through each step.

The benefits are very real. For your customers it speaks volumes about your brand integrity. So why not ensure you take centre stage to create an impression of lasting quality in all aspects of your business. We'll make dead sure your company logo is reproduced, whether embroidered, printed or sublimated, in perfect detail.
For more info, please email corporate@swazi.co.nz.